Song List by Artist

Karaoke Kaizokudan

Song List by Artist: Q


Id Title Artist Series Lyrics Language Variant
5225 I Was Born to Love You Queen Elite Beat Agents Y English

Queen of Times

Id Title Artist Series Lyrics Language Variant
2442 Ever and Ever Queen of Times Initial D Y English


Id Title Artist Series Lyrics Language Variant
6130 Akai Densha Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Karaoke
6131 Akai Densha Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6449 Ameiro no heya Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6448 Curry no Uta Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6488 Highway (alternative mix) Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock N Japanese
6453 Mononoke Hime Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock N Japanese
6399 Niji Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6489 Race Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6457 River Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese
6447 Wandervogel Quruli J-Pop / J-Rock Y Japanese

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Song list last updated: June 30, 2019

Listing notes

ID: This is the ID (song number) of the song in our database. This is the number you would give at the signup desk during open mic, or if you are using a song from our database in a contest.

Lyrics: A Y indicates lyrics are available in the database. [S] indicates they are scrolling lyrics (will automatically scroll on the screen. An N indicates we do not have lyrics (but you are free to bring your own.)

Language: This indicates the language the song is in; karaoke denotes there are no primary vocals.

Variant: Indicates if this is a variant of song, such as a TV size or remix version.

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